So every October brings with it the opportunity to add Scary Stories to our writing journals. The kids usually really get into this. We love to publish our scary stories and read them together with the lights off while eating microwave s'mores (recipe to follow).

We start off with a Story Map and I do whole-group lessons on Building a Character, Scary Settings, Conflict and Resolutions. Then students work cooperatively or independently at Writing Work Stations to create their personal Story Plans. I pair this up with some cute paper with a bat or ghost border and the kids publish their work in preparation for the final presentation.
For the presentation, we all wear our pajama bottoms and bring towels or Snuggies. We clear out a spot in the center of the room (or in our case, a corner with a carpet ). One of my parent volunteers was able to find mini flashlights at the dollar store for each of our story tellers.

We ate the s'mores, listened to the bone-chilling tales of terror, and critiqued our stories based on the rating system used by the movies. A great time was had by all.
If you are interested in the writing plan I used, it is for sale at Teachers-Pay-Teachers and you can access it by clicking
Microwave S'mores: Recipe
(Adults Only in charge of microwaves)
On a paper plate, line up about 5 graham crackers (I cut them in half)
Place one mini-chocolate bar on each.
Place one large marshmallow on each
Microwave on High for approximately 10-15 seconds.
Top with the other half of the graham cracker.
Now Smoosh!
I wait about a minute before handing it off to the kids so they don't burn themselves.